More than 1.8 million people participated in La Mercè 2015, the most important city festival in Barcelona. People took to the streets to enjoy the 500 activities scheduled between 18th and 24th September at various venues in the city. There have been seven days of celebration with a program aimed at a diverse and heterogeneous […]
Three days before the closing of the festival, the Barcelona summer festival 2015 (Grec Festival de Barcelona) shows a positive balance. It reaches 141,000 spectators and 76,000 tickets sold (9,000 more than last year). The festival occupancy rate has risen to 71%. You can see the provisional data on the Festival in the attached document […]
As of 2011 the Institut de Cultura (Culture Institute of Barcelona) of Barcelona City Council has carried out a yearly survey on the visitors to the city’s museums in order to gain an insight into the profile of visitors to these facilities. In 2014, eleven museums took part in the survey and the subsequent analysis […]
You can now consult Barcelona’s culture data for 2014: a summary of the city in facts and figures with data on museums, performing arts spaces, music, festivals and much more. In the Data search engine section you can access most of the data as from the year 2010.
Barcelona City Council’s Institut de Cultura (ICUB), in collaboration with the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), has carried out a project allowing it to recreate in 3D the Roman Barcelona and its surroundings of the late 3rd century CE. All the information is georeferenced so that our modern city can be superimposed on Barcino – the Roman Barcelona –, […]