Barcelona Cultura

How do we handle our data?

For years now we at the Barcelona Cultural Data Observatory have been collecting data on different cultural facilities of the city (museums, civic centres, the Art Factories network, etc.) and on various cultural activities (cultural festivals and city festivals). In the following document we explain how we carry out this task and what tools we use to process the data.

Information gathering systems have evolved over time. A few years ago we collected all our data on “travelling templates” (Excel files that were sent out and returned by e-mail), but now a number of our suppliers enter their data into various computer applications which, in addition to being “containers” where information is stored, allow the accessible return of the data which they contain.

Considering the large amount of data that we collect at the Observatory and the diversity of systems that we have developed over the years, we thought it would be of interest to offer the cultural agents the various models of templates which we work with (travelling templates and other types), to present the data that are collected in each one, and to share the glossaries that define these data.

Museums and exhibition centres:

Civic centres:

Art Factories: