Barcelona Cultura
News and reports
Covid-19 and the Casteller groups 13/04/2021

HOW COVID-19 AFFECTED CASTELLER GROUPS IN BARCELONA In January and February 2021, the Centre de Prospectiva i Anàlisi dels Castells (CEPAC) produced a survey –with the support of the Institute of Culture– to evaluate the impact of Covid-19 on Barcelona’s casteller (human tower) groups. 952 group members from the city’s eight groups (44.4% men and […]

A survey of the cultural needs of citizens 30/04/2020

The first survey of the cultural needs of Barcelona’s citizens Barcelona City Council presents its first survey of the cultural needs of Barcelona’s citizens, the diverse forms of their participation and involvement in the city’s cultural activities, and their perceptions of the network and activities available in the various districts. The survey examines the cultural […]

How do we handle our data? 01/02/2018

For years now we at the Barcelona Cultural Data Observatory have been collecting data on different cultural facilities of the city (museums, civic centres, the Art Factories network, etc.) and on various cultural activities (cultural festivals and city festivals). In the following document we explain how we carry out this task and what tools we use to process […]

Let’s take a look at the data on our museum public 01/12/2017

For the first time ever, experts of the public administrations and of the public and private museums have gone over these data together. On the past 29th November we started up the #GrupDeTreball of #PúblicsDelsMuseus – the Working Group on the Museum Public. Experts of the public administrations (Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona Provincial Council and […]

Mercè 2017 report and survey 17/11/2017

4 days of festival and almost 1.5 million participants. We present here the Attendance Report for La Mercè 2017, which contains full information, by spaces and types of activities, on the public who attended Barcelona’s annual city festival. This report also includes a summary of the results of the survey conducted on the public of […]

What is the public attending the Night of the Museums like? 06/11/2017

A survey conducted on the Night of the Museums provides a better knowledge about the people taking part in this initiative. For the year 2017 edition of the Night of the Museums, the Institut de Cultura de Barcelona commissioned a face-to-face survey aimed to provide information on various aspects of the public participating in this […]